One Punch Man Chapter 171 Details


  1. How many pages will be there?
  2. Story of chapter 171?

1. How many pages will be there?
ONE PUNCH MAN Chapter 171 is set to release on 22nd of September at time 00:01JST (Japan Standard Time).
The One Punch Man fanbase is incredibly excited as the manga series will be making a return after a one month long break! and there is one question you may thinking about that how long will be this chapter gonna be? So here's the approximate count of pages for next chapter 171 as per estimated from information shared by Author Murata Sensei in his last tweets as you can see below.👇

DAY 1- Out of 7 he did 4 pages

DAY 2-  He did 10 including last remaining 3 pages

DAY 3- He packed up chapter with rest 7 pages at day3

With that taken into account the number of pages he sketched since this days there will be total 21 pages in chapter 171 including with Cover page.

many people are enthusiastic towards the story of new 





2.Story of chapter 171?
It's beginning of the New ARC (Neo Hero Saga) from upcoming One Punch Man chapter 171. While in OPM webcomic (which is original source story of OPM manga) the new arc starts from webcomic chapter 95 in which we get know that many heros shifted into apartment inside Hero Association headquarter building at A-city & our hero Saitama also moved in there because his house also gone & here the H.A. providing free apartment to heros which attracted Saitama, where in next scene we get to see that there's some new punk heros. 
img. Saitama's ex Home🥲

It beginning of a new journey for a Saitama also, after almost 3-4 years he's starting to live with people around him first time. because in this all 3 years he spent living alone in that Ghost Town in Z-city. 
It's gonna be challange for Saitama to be more socialized.

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